Luckily we get more well cavies than sick ones, but below is a day by day account of how our recent cases are fairing.
This is Simba, he looks OK doesn't he, but sadly he isn't, he was
severely bullied by his cage mates resulting in this :
As you can see basically he has
a large tear in his skin, it is infected. What you cant see is that also has a swelling
under his chin, an abscess that is ready to burst !!, and on his back, several bite marks.
I have to say in all my years of rescue, I have NEVER seen anything like this before
Simba's Recovery
well it starts today, he is a plucky little chap, so all cross your fingers for him.
25th September 2000 : Abscess was bursting so squeezed out contents, very yucky and smelly, he seems to be more comfortable there now. Washed the remaining 'hole' with Dermisol Multicleanse Solution ( ingredients :Propylene Glycol Ph.Eur 40.0% v/v,Malic Acid USP 2.25% w/v,Benzoic Acid ph. Eur 0.15%w/v,Salicylic Acid Ph.Eur0.0375% w/v)
Thoughoughly cleaned infected tear, obviously very sore, in order to get rid of all the necrotic tissue I had to be quite tough, so it bled a little. Covered would with Dermisol cream ( ingredients :Propylene Glycol Ph.Eur 1.750% w/w, Malic Acid USP 0.375% w/w,Benzoic Acid ph. Eur 0.025% w/w, Salicylic Acid Ph.Eur 0.006% w/w ), which is excellent for removing any remaining necrotic tissue and very soothing.
At this stage Simba is eating very well
27th September 2000: A visit to the vets, the scar on his tummy is in fact an unattended abscess that has burst, it is very yucky and smelly today, and obviously is sore. Antibiotics called for ' Baytril' 0.4 ml once daily.
28th September 2000 : Cleaned wound again, seems much better, raw but healthy skin
see photos below:
At this stage Simba is still eating VERY well :0)
emailed Peter Guerney, his opinion is that this wound is the result of scratching due to a parasitic infection, so treated Simba for that, thanks Peter :0)
30th September 2000: Simba's wound is rapidly improving beyond my expectations, it now looks clean and healthy and is obviously not as painful. The abscess under his chin is persisting, and oozing pus each day, however there is less expelled each day, so hopefully with anti biotics it will clear up.
03rd October 2000: Simba is still improving slowly, the photo below was taken yesterday, he is very chirpy and happy.
As you can see the wound is drying up, and it is not as sore
anymore either ( just look at his face, cutee huh)
09th October 2000, my apologies for the lack of updates, I have been rushed off my feet :0)
Simba is doing very well indeed, the photo below was taken on the 5th Oct, and he has improved again since then :0) ( I will take another photo ASAP.)
His abscess under his chin has totally dried up after I finally got to the bottom of it, a piece of broken tooth was in the wound !!!. Simba is now living with a baby male guinea pig as a companion and is very happy and friendly.
14th October 2000: Well there is good news
and bad news, Simba's wound has practically gone ( see photo), AND he has found a new
loving home, when he is ready to go.
Unfortunately, what may not be evident from that photo is that Simba has developed a TINY lump on the side of the wound site, I suspect that this is a further abscess :0(, poor Simba, I have taken a close up for you.
Sorry, its a bit blurry, but the new 'lump' is on the left hand side of the picture, right next to the wound :0(.
I will keep you all posted as to how it goes.
21/10/00, I know its terrible, I haven't updated this for far too long, but anyway here goes. Simba is now to all intents and purposes fully recovered, the suspect lump turned out to be pure scar tissue, and as you will see from the photo below the wound has gone
He is even getting a furry belly again :0).
Simba will be going to his new home next week, and here is a piccie of him with his cage mate
Dont they look cute :0), well these details will shortly be removed to the history pages, Simba's new owner is online and has assured me she will keep me updated with photos, a VERY happy ending.